Talking Up Our Strengths
March 2016
Talking Up Our Strengths is a set of 22 beautiful theme-based photomontage cards that celebrate the strength and resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, both urban and remote, past and present, designed to promote discussion, build self-esteem and help connect community for Aboriginal children and young persons.
Jobs for Families Child Care Package: Unintended Consequences and Policy Alternatives for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children
February 2016
Fact sheet and recommendations on the Jobs for Families Child Care Package with a focus on the consequences and any policy alternatives.
DownloadGood Practice Fact Sheet: Early Years Learning Framework
January 2016
Fact Sheets designed to give educators ideas for promoting, exploring and celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture whilst implementing the outcomes, principles and practices from the Early Years Learning Framework.
DownloadSubmission Paper: Regulation Impact Statement – Child Care Assistance Package
July 2015
Submission on the Regulation Impact Statement Child Care Assistance Package on children's high vulnerability and disadvantage.
DownloadMoving to Prevention: Intensive Family Support Services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children
May 2015
Report on research into intensive family support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, including findings on how participating services incorporate intensive family support services in various settings.
DownloadCase Studies: Community Early Learning Programs
March 2015
Community Early Learning Program information sheet and case studies with a focus on material relevant to getting kids to school.
DownloadFact Sheet: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Needs in Early Childhood Education and Care
March 2015
Fact sheet on the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in Early Childhood Education and Care.
DownloadCase Studies: Early Years Pathways – Strong Services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Families
February 2015
Case Studies on strong Early Years Pathways services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families, showing examples of how whole communities are changing because of a new Aboriginal-led integrated early years service.
DownloadSubmission to the Senate Inquiry into Out-of-Home Care
November 2014
Submission to the Senate Inquiry into Out-of-Home Care, outlining five key priorities that should underpin new ways of working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families, based on practice and evidence developed through consultation and research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, organisations and sector experts.
DownloadSubmission: 2014 Review of the National Partnership Agreement on the National Quality Agenda for Early Childhood Education and Care
July 2014
Submission on the National Partnership Agreement on the National Quality Agenda for Early Childhood Education and Care 2014 Review, with a focus on approximately 270 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Budget Based Funded services that fall outside of the National Quality Framework.
DownloadSafe For Our Kids: A Guide to Family Violence Response and Prevention for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Families
June 2014
Guide to family violence response and prevention for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families, developed in consultation with community-controlled service providers, aimed to support best practise across the country in order to reduce the incidence and impact of family violence.
Partnership Training Manual: Creating Change Through Partnerships
June 2014
Training manual designed to support partnership leaders within organisations wishing to develop and strengthen partnerships in child and family service delivery, operating as an interactive guide that can be used as part of a facilitated presentation or independently to access relevant information, ideas, tools and practice supports.