Child abuse is a serious crime, which has a devastating impact on children, family and communities.

The safety of children should not be politicised or used as a platform to advance a political position.

Calls for a Royal Commission into the sexual abuse of Aboriginal children have been made without one shred of real evidence being presented. They play into the base negative perceptions some people have about Aboriginal people and communities.

Child abuse is far too prevalent in Australia full stop.

Singling out Aboriginal families and communities is harmful and puts ideology before evidence. Australian Institute for Health and Welfare data shows that, in 2021-22, substantiated child protection reports for Indigenous children were less likely to identify sexual abuse as the primary type of abuse (6.8% of substantiations) than they were for non-Indigenous children (9% of substantiations).

The evidence and the solutions are very clear.

The most effective and immediate action Government can take to make children safe and protect their human rights is to stand up a National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Commissioner, with the legislated power to investigate and make recommendations on issues impacting our children.

This will be more effective and more powerful than any Royal Commission. We have been calling for a National Commissioner for many years. We now call for bipartisan support to make this happen.

Add your support for a National Commissioner for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children below.

Ref: AIHW 2023, Child Protection Australia 2021-22, Data Table S3.10

Show Your Support: Reject a Royal Commission

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